Meeting Mother Meera

Online Meditation Meditation In-Person

Learn more about Mother Meera

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Mother-on-Tour, 2024

| Feb. 24. 2024 | 1 min February, 2024 Announcement: Mother Meera will be traveling to German and European cities again. She will initially give group meditations and, depending on the situation, start Darshan later this year. You can view her schedule here at any time. Additional locations will be added as planning progresses. Since we do not yet know when Darshans will begin, the events have been marked as Meditations with Mother but may be moved to Darshans as soon as they begin again.


Answers from Mother Meera 2024

| Jan. 09. 2024 | 3 min January 09, 2024 Difference between in-person and online meditation Question: What is the difference between meditation online and meditation in person with you? Should I sit at home to watch meditation or come and sit in person with you? Mother Meera: There is a lot of difference between sitting at home watching meditation and coming to group meditation with me. They feel different—we cannot compare them. When you are thinking about coming here, your concentration is already preparing for meditation.


Mother Meera is an Indian mystic living in Germany. She is a silent Avatar. She gives a blessing called Darshan, she doesn't ask for any allegiance, and is there for everybody, no matter what faith a person has. Her Darshans and meditations are free of charge.

From the beginning of the Corona pandemic in March 2020, she gave an online blessing, through a live meditation, which you can receive wherever you are, continuously every day at 7pm (German Time). Since the beginning of 2023, there are meditations in-person with her at Schloss Schaumburg, while the online meditations continue.

About Mother Meera


Darshan is the bestowal of light love and grace by Mother Meera. Mother gives Darshan in complete silence, free of charge, regularly at her home, and on tours. Check the calendar to find out more.

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Meditation with Mother

You can visit Meditations with Mother (in-person) either at her home in Schaumburg or at other locations. To see when and where meditations are happening, check our calendar.

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Online Meditations

There are online Meditations with Mother streamed on YouTube every day. Everyone can participate, no registration or fee is required.

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The Inner and the Outer Light.

To help the evolution of man, Mother Meera has brought down a new light, which she calls the Paramatman Light. She says:

“We have to try to reveal that Light which is hidden in us as a bud. It must blossom like a flower. In all things everywhere, in all beings, the Light is hidden, and it must be revealed. If we try with all our hearts we will be successful.”

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Children’s Meditation

If you have children, this is a playful and unprecendented way for your children to meet Mother. It is usually before Darshan at Schaumburg.

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School in India

Mother Meera has founded a group of schools in South India. She is looking for volunteers. Here is a chance to do seva for Mother and work with her in real life.

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Meditation Groups

If you want to meet other like minded people, who know Mother and meditate with them in silence, here is your opportunity.

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Colors of Love

A video showing Mother Meera giving the Darshan Blessing to many people in many different locations.

Click on image to view the video

Q: The Mother has many faces: withdrawn, majestic, mischievous, angry, tender. What is the real face?

Mother Meera: All are real. But the most real is the face of love. Keep gazing on that, whatever happens. Turn to that in whatever difficulties you experience. Perfect love for the Mother is to see Her Face of Love in everything that happens. If you attain that love, you will be able to do anything. Perfect love can never be defeated because it is infinite.

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The divine is the sea. All religions are rivers leading to the sea. Some rivers wind a great deal. Why not go to the sea directly. ~ Mother Meera

People are too active and rarely sit quietly. In silence one can receive more because all one's activities become concentrated at one point. My teaching is to give only the essence, the Divine, that which is necessary. I give exactly what is needed by each person.

Paramatman is silent. God is silent. Everything comes out of silence. In silence more work can be done. The true experience of bliss is without words.

~ Mother Meera