Answers from Mother Meera 2024

Difference between in-person and online meditation, difference between in-person meditation and Darshan, Livestream from India and Germany, Mother starts traveling, Mother’s work in India

January 09, 2024

Difference between in-person and online meditation

Question: What is the difference between meditation online and meditation in person with you? Should I sit at home to watch meditation or come and sit in person with you?

Mother Meera: There is a lot of difference between sitting at home watching meditation and coming to group meditation with me. They feel different—we cannot compare them. When you are thinking about coming here, your concentration is already preparing for meditation. By the time you arrive, you are focused on the Divine. When you come into the meditation hall, you will notice a difference. The silence is alive. When meditation begins, I look directly at each person in the hall. When you sit in the hall with me, you can merge with the Divine, with your Guru. You can sink deeply into the silence, into the light, into the love.

Of course, you do not have to come to meditation in person. Some people like to stay home, they don’t want to travel, and that is ok. But if you have the opportunity, you can come and feel for yourself the difference. Everybody will experience it differently.

Difference between in-person meditation and Darshan

Q: What is the difference between in-person meditation and darshan?

MM: When you come to darshan , that is individual, it is personal. Meditation is more focused on the group, while in darshan more time is spent with each person, and there is time to work on the soul level and the level of the personality. When people receive the touch, they feel the power of the Divine more strongly, and they feel the blessing more concretely.

Mother starts traveling

Q: When will you start giving darshan again?

MM: In 2024 I will start to travel to give group meditations. I will see how the situation goes, and if possible, I will also start giving darshan this year.

Mother’s Schedule

Livestream from India and Germany

Q: Mother, when we watch meditation while you are in Germany, we are happy. But when we watch meditation while you are in India, we are concerned about you, and we feel sad. You do not look well during meditations in India. We feel a big difference between when you are in Germany and when you are in India. Can you help us to understand?

MM: In India each time I have a lot to finish before I go back to Germany. I don’t have much time to rest, the body gets tired, and sometimes I get sick. But don’t worry about me. When I come back to Germany I can rest and become well again.

Online Meditation

Mother’s work in India

Q: Mother, why do you go to India if you get tired and sick there?

MM: I started a school there, and I am responsible for it. The school provides a very important service to the children of the area. I must continue to go until someone else takes responsibility for it. If someone steps forward and takes responsibility for the school, I will be with them and can give guidance to them, and they can always ask me for help. I will still visit regularly, but then it will be easier for me.

The purpose of the school is to provide a good academic education, with help from western volunteers and Indian teachers. The school also teaches important life skills, and crucial inner values such as discipline, respect for others, independence (which means that the children should not depend on others and should do their own things themselves), cooperation with others, maintaining silence, keeping their surroundings clean, and maintaining order. Each class period begins with a short meditation and prayer.

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Mother in India

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