Mother Meera

Who is Mother Meera?
Mother Meera

“You can follow any path, any religion, any guru and any technique, I will be there for you if you need help and blessings.” - Mother Meera

Mother Meera

Mother Meera is a mystic living in Germany who came to help people. She gives the Darshan -blessing in her home in Balduinstein and on trips to different countries, and holds silent meditations. Darshan is the free transmission of light, love and grace. She was born on December 26, 1960 in Chandepalle, a village in Telangana, South India. She was discovered as a young girl by Mr. Reddy , who recognized her as an embodiment of the Divine Mother, an Avatar.

Mother Meera is different from traditional teachers, she is not a guru with students, her role is more that of a compassionate Mother. She does not maintain any organization or formal structure around her. She does not give courses or teach any particular meditation technique, but she recommends japa , the repetition of a divine name or mantra. She says that one should offer all activities, thoughts and feelings internally to the Divine.

Her work is in silence. Her Darshans and meditations take place in complete silence. She works as a presence itself, not through teaching and lectures. Everyone, regardless of religious affiliation, is welcome to receive her help or blessing.

Mother’s role

In many traditions of Eastern spirituality, it is believed that all beings are essentially one in their innermost nature, one with the Supreme Divine - yet most people are unaware of this knowledge. To lift this primary “veil of ignorance,” Avatars come to Earth as humans with a clear awareness of true identity and all its implications and live among us with the task of showing and recognizing to humans the reality of their true nature . Mother Meera

Mother Meera is an Avatar who knows from birth about her divine identity and the specifics of her work. As an Avatar, Mother Meera brings a new quality of consciousness and spiritual power.

Her transformative power aims to accelerate the spiritual development of humanity. Her identity is consistent with the Eastern spiritual tradition, in which divine beings take human form to guide others to the realization of their true nature. Mother does not claim to be the only Avatar currently working on Earth, for many are here now to accomplish the divine work, some known, some unknown.

The Divine Mother is the feminine aspect of the divine, worshiped in many cultures under various names such as: the virgin Mary, Kali, Isis and Durga. She represents various qualities of divine manifestation. The Divine Mother represents the dynamic aspect of the Godhead, transmitting God’s Will, Mercy and Grace. The notion of God as Mother may be unusual in the West, but in the East it is an age-old way to regard and relate to the Divine – especially in India, where God is conceived as being both with and without form. God is known as both transcendent and immanent, being above and beyond everything but also radically free to manifest eternally within all the myriad forms of the whole of Creation.

The New Light

According to Indian tradition, Avatars are sent to earth to help people. Mother Meera has brought down a certain light which she calls the Paramatman Light and which has all the divine qualities within it. Through Darshan, but also through prayers and meditation, everyone can open themselves to this light, regardless of their own faith or ethnic origin. Although this light is not entirely new, it is a catalyst for activating the inner light within the human soul. Mother Meera’s task is to consciously bring down this light and promote the spiritual development of humanity.

The whole purpose of my work is in the calling down of the Paramatman Light and in helping people. For this I came – to open your hearts to the Light. - Mother Meera   more quotes →