FAQ - Mother Meera
Who is Mother Meera?
Mother Meera is an Indian mystic, a spiritual personality, living in Germany. Mother gives Darshan at her home, and during her travels all over the world.
Who Mother Meera is NOT
Mother Meera is not a guru, or the head of a religious organization. Rather she is an embodiment of the divine feminine.
Who is the Divine Mother?
The Divine Mother is the female energy of the Divine. It is worshiped in many different religions under different names.
What is an Avatar?
An Avatar is an incarnation of the Divine come to earth, in order to help human beings, and further the Divine evolution on earth.
Does Mother Meera want to found a new religion?
No, she is not interested in founding a religion. You can practise any religion, and she will strengthen your belief in the Divine.
Where does Mother Meera live?
Mother Meera lives in a small village near Limburg(Lahn). Find the exact address at our contact page.
Can I have a private interview with Mother Meera?
No, Mother doesn’t give private interviews.
How can I write to Mother?
You can write a letter or send an email through our contact form .
What is Darshan?
Darshan is the bestowal of love, light and grace. Mother gives Darshan in silence by touch and sight. It is her gift to humanity.
Does Darshan cost anything?
Mother’s Darshan is free of charge. It is a Divine gift. But if you want, you can donate here .
How can I prepare for Darshan?
There is no special preparation for Darshan , try to be relaxed, don’t eat too much before, and don’t have too much expectations.
What is the effect of Darshan?
It depends from person to person. In general you will feel more happy and light. Some people may see light, some may just sense it as a warm feeling or energy. It is recommended that you stay quiet for some time after Darshan, so that the effect lasts longer.
What is Japa?
Japa is the repetition of a Divine name or mantra. It can be used during meditation, or also while doing routine work. It can be done silently, or by uttering it.
What is Darshan at a distance?
Darshan at a distance means that you will experience the effect of Darshan simply by looking at a photo or thinking of Mother Meera. It can happen anytime and anywhere.
What is Livestream meditation or Darshan?
Mother transmits her darshan by looking into the camera, and meditating with people together, at a certain time.
Will Mother give me a mantra?
No, Mother does not give mantras. She says you can use any mantra you like, and which gives you a good feeling.
What is Paramatman?
Paramatman means Highest Self. According to Mother Paramatman is formless, and experienced as white light.
What is the Paramatman Light?
Mother has brought the Paramatman Light down, in order to effect the transformation of the earth.
Do I have to register for Darshan?
Yes, use this form here , and find a guide here .
Why do I have to wait so long to attend a Darshan?
We try to regulate how often a person can visit Darshan, so that everybody gets a chance to attend Darshan without waiting too long. For newcomers there is a form , where you can apply to receive Darshan earlier.
How often can I visit Darshan?
Not more than once a day. There are certain regulations for how many Darshans you can book, which vary according to the time, and the amount of people visiting, you can find them on this page .