Meditation Groups - International

A list of Mother Meera groups in different countries


All Mother Meera Meditation groups are self-sufficient. Contact the group to find out about their program - Emails are specially protected against spam (be aware when copying). Would you like to hold a meditation group in Mother Meera’s name yourself? click here Check Germany here →


Buenos Aires, C1425FCH CABA Mirnalini Mausser

Republica de la India, Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, 1414 Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A.)

Lunes por la luna creciente en Buenos Aires (por lo general el tercer lunes de cada mes) a las 8 pm.


Wien, 10. Bezirk
Maria Käfer

1 x pro Monat

Walter Kaspar

1 x pro Monat

Wien, 1230
Liszt Angela
Hiesmannseder Leni

Tel. 01 9671901
jeden 1. Montag im Monat 19 Uhr

Salzburg, A 5412
MM Meditation Salzburg

Tel 0662 629 504
Jeder 1. Sonntag im Monat, von 19.00 bis 20.30

Nikolsdorf, Lengberg, A 9782
Barbara Brunner

nach Vereinbarung


Bruxelles, 1180 Uccle
Catherine PHILIPPE

Every 1st Sunday at 17h (easy parking)

Holistisch instituut
Vaartstr 16 , 0475 22 49 27

Every 2nd Thursday at 19h30

Courcelles, 6180
Victoria Thiele

Une fois par semaine

Floriffoux, 5150
Namur, Centre Crystaluz
Rue Juste Chaput 8

tel. 081 45 18 20

Antwerp, Meerle, 2328,
Leembeek 1

Every 3rd Sunday at 20h

Lahage Tintigny, 6730
Ducastel Joëlle
70, rue du Meunier

tel. +32 63 45 76 88


Fortaleza, 60130-330

Phone:  85 9998632 55/98767 5027
Address Rua Missão Velha 222 Bairro PIO XII
Meeting 2 times a month on Thursdays, at 19 :30h


Port Colborne, Niagara Falls
Mother Meera Retreat Center

3403 Yager Road, Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5V5;
Every Monday, 19:00 hrs, 1st and 3rd Monday – Silent Meditation
2nd Monday – Guided Meditation
4th Monday – Walking Meditation

Sainte-Adèle, Quebec
Centre Mère Meera

Tel 450-745-0403
1720 Chemin Pierre Peladeau, Ste-Adele QC J8B 1Z5
every Sunday, Bhajans 12h30 to 13h30, Meditation:  13h30 to 14h30

Cartierville, H4J 2A7, Montreal
Kumar Malde

Sundays- Once a week

Toronto, Downtown
Stephanie Cookson

phone 416 916 2980;
Transense Healing Arts Holistic Centre
610 344 Bloor Street West Toronto Ontario Canada M5S 3A7;
The third wednesday of each month at 7pm – 9pm

Czech Repubic

Praha, 120 00
Martina Hejnová

phone 776727235
každé druhé pondělí, 20:00hrs

Praha-Vršovice, 10100
Lada Králová
Tel +420 777079165

Address Oblouková 683/15
Každé pondělí, 19:00 hod

Praha, 15500
Josef Šťastný

phone 774333785
Address: Praha Stodůlky

Brno 62500

Every second Monday 19:00 hrs

Čáslav, 28601
MM meditace v tichu

vždy první sobota v měsíci

Domažlice, 34401
Eliška Šperlová

Hořice, 50801
Václav Tomeš

00420 605 474197
19:00, Sunday, 1x monthly

Humpolec, 39600
Agroklub na Radosti

Tel +420605245947
první sobotu v měsíci v 19:00

Jablonec nad Nisou, 46601
Meditační skupina MM

1. pondělí v měsící 18:15

Klatovy, 33901
Iveta Brandova

Tylovo nábřeží 119/III, Klatovy
1st Friday of the month, start 19.00 hrs

Mohelnice, 789 85
Ztišení dle Matky Meery

phone 775403397
adresa Nám. Svobody 8
Sobota 19:45

Olomouc, 779 00 Nová Ulice
MM Meditation Group Olomouc

Tel.+420 608725906
V Hlinkách 806/19
1-2x za měsíc, sobota (neděle) 15:30 hod

Ostrava, 708 00
Matka Meera skupina

Telefon 603511118
Adresa Opavská 1147,Ostrava-Poruba
první neděli v měsíci od 16 hodin

Plzeň, 31200
MM Meditace

Každý měsíc v úplňku a novoluní, 18:30 hodin

Plzeň, 32600
MM meditation Group Plzeň

Každé první pondělí v měsíci od 18.30-19.30.hod.

Polička, 57201
Meditační skupina Matky Meery

jednou měsíčně v 19:00

Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 75661
Petra Navrátilová
Tel +420 774 046917
Adresa Pivovarská 30.

Rožmitál p. Třemšínem, 26242
MM Meditation Group

Two times a month (new moon, full moon) 18:30 to 19:30

Velké Přílepy, 25264

+420 602558177
Adr. Werichova 996
every second Monday, 19 hrs

Zlin, 760 01

Tel +42O777192334
Nám.T.G.Masaryka 1281
every third wednesday, 19:00 hrs

Zlín, 76302
Jana Kocábová

Tel. +420728628181
uterý 2x v měsíci 17.30-18h

Zruč-Senec, 33008
Pavla Chlustinová

Tel +420604318030

Sluneční 353
každý poslední pátek v měsíci 18:30 – 19:10
Zlutice, 36452
Jana Vaneckova

Tel. +420 777234191
Jeden 1. Sonntag im Monat, 15 Uhr

Romana Kopecka

listening to Mantras for Mother Meera

United Kingdom

Mother Meera Meditation Group
Contact Philip


Bardwell (near Bury St Edmunds)
Mother Meera Meditation Group


Blackpool, Bispham
Lisa West

Most Saturday’s, 14:00hrs

Mother Meera Meditation Group

Contact Suzy 07754 343671

Bromley (South London)
Mother Meera Meditation Group
Contact Amarjit

This group will meet monthly on Tuesdays at 7pm.

Godalming (Surrey)
Mother Meera Meditation Group

Contact Kay Kraty

Harrow (NW London)
Mother Meera Meditation Group

The Academy of Angelic Healing with Jayn Lee Miller.

Mother Meera Meditation Group

Contact Geraldine

London, W14 9DA
Mother Meera Meditation Group
Colet House, 151 Talgarth Road, London, W14 9DA.

Contact Sarah:  01608 674550 or 07969 101724,
The group meets on the second Sunday of each month at 11am.

London, WIU 8EA
Barry Wilde

Tel 07593784303 (Mobile)
First Tuesday of the Month, 19.00 hrs

Reigate and Redhill (Surrey)
Mother Meera Meditation Group

Contact Sean 01737 765894

West Norfolk, near King’s Lynn
Mother Meera Meditation Group

Contact Liane

Woodley (Reading)
Mother Meera Meditation Group
Contact Poospah 0118 969 8740,

We meet on the last Sunday of each month at 2pm

Buckfastleigh (Devon)
Mother Meera Meditation Group

Contact Alida 07581 366636

Mother Meera Meditation Group

Contact Grace and Godfrey 01458 899774

St Ives (Cornwall)
Mother Meera Meditation Group
Contact Vimla 07716 377955,

The group meets on the first Monday of each month, starting at 7:15pm for one hour.

Mother Meera Meditation Group
Contact June Clarke:  07969 972124,

This group meets at 7:30pm on the first Friday of each month

Birmingham, B14 7EU
Mother Meera Meditation Group
The Well Natural Health Centre, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7EU
Contact Davinder Khaira 07773 350748,

This group meets every Tuesday evening

Burton upon Trent, DE14 1JE
Mother Meera Meditation Group
The address is 56b Worthington House, 146 High Street, Burton Upon Trent, DE14 1JE
Contact Zara 07348 269627

Meetings will take place every Sunday from 7pm-8pm

Mother Meera Meditation Group
Address 84 Meadow Road, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1JS.
Contact Chris 07791 271764

This group meets on Monday evenings at 7pm.

Shrewsbury, SY1 2NU
Mother Meera Meditation Group
Address Shrewsbury Friends Meeting House, St Catherine’s Hall , Corporation Lane, Shrewsbury, SY1 2NU
Contact Tom Stacey: 07974 810254

Meetings will take place on the first Friday of each month, beginning on 4th September, from 7pm to 8pm.

Sutton Coldfield (West Midlands)
Mother Meera Meditation Group

contact group by email

Llanwrst (Conwy, Wales)
Mother Meera Meditation Group
Address 2 Golgyfar Afon Station, Llanwrst, LL26 0EH

Contact Dorothy Denny 01492 641248,

Newtown (Powys, Wales)
Mother Meera Meditation Group

Contact Bethany

Treorch (Wales), CF42
Rhondda and Valleys Mother Meera Meditation Group
phone 07483 852572

Most Friday evenings

Lancaster, LA1 2DU
Lancaster MM-meditation group

Phone 01524 732677;
Dacrelands Centre for Health, Aldrens Lane, Skerton
Every second Tuesday of each month. Begin at 7pm.

York, Helmsley, YO62 7TX
Mother Meera Meditation

phone 07880 545 545
First Sunday of every month 18.30 – 22.00


Auzouville l’Esneval, 76760
Méditation de Mère Meera
Tel 0782906974
Tous les jeudis en semaine impair de 20 h à 20 h 30

Arcachon, near Bordeaux
Nicole Oyarsabal

1 x par semaine

Aix en Provence, 13100
Moksana Aure

1 fois/ semaine

Charmes la Cote, Nancy/Toul
Marie Huvet

1 x par mois

Cholet, 49300
Paquereau Marie Thérèse

Tel. O2.;
1er lundi du mois à 20 H 30

Brest, 29200

Tel. 06 01 31 15 88
sunday, second week of the month

Brémontier-Merval, 76220
Groupe Mère Meera

1 fois par mois à 15h30

Figanières, Nice
Marisol Gil

1 x par semaine

Grenoble (FONTANIL CORNILLON), 38120
Bonnassieux Didier

phone 768918975
26 rue Chanceliere
le premier jeudi de chaque mois à 20h

Le Mans
Bertand Barre

La Roque sur Ceze, 30200
Huguette BERTONE

phone +33 466393251
grand rue
second saturday 16:00hrs

St Geraud de Corps, 24700

Tel. +33 6 70 12 18 56
Le Claud du lac
saturday 17;00 hrs

Montreuil sur Epte, 95770

Tel 33130274938
10 rue de la Vallée
1 x mounth

Montigny les Metz, 57950
Shen qi

1er Mercredi soir 20h30 21h30

Monistrol sur Loire, 43120
Méditation de Mère Meera

Tel. 0640571888
1er Mardi du mois de 20 h à 21 h 00

Nantes, 44000
Isabelle Hercelin

tous les premiers vendredi du mois à 19h précise

Nantes, 44000
Fleury Joel

Phone 33680163090
Address 3, rue d’Iéna,
1er vendredi/mois 19h00

Nantes, 44000
Méditation Profonde

Tel. 782253724
Adr. 74 rue du préfet Bonnefoy
Lundi 18h

Saumur, 49400
Mother Meera

2 place kléber, SAUMUR, 49400
Le jeudi de 20 h à 20 h 30

Serres sur Arget, 9000

Tel 06 15 24 83 13
Vendredi tous les quinze jours à 15h 30

St Jean de Vedas, 34430
Espace Sacré MERE MEERA St Jean de Védas

Tel 06 77 99 96 16
du Lundi au Vendredi 11h à 13h

St Maxire–Niort, 79410
Martine Aubineau

Tel 05 49 28 34 75 or 06 07 23 39 72
twice a month monday 19.30 to 20.30

Tours, 37000
Groupe de méditation Mère Meera

Tel. +33631419966
Adr.Clément Marie-Noëlle, 6 rue du Camp de Molle 37000 Tours
Une fois par mois à 15h00 le jeudi

Versailles, Elancourt (Yvelines)
Dolores Sinturel

1 x par mois

Villeneuve, 01480
Laetitia Perraud

Tel. +33647762351
un mercredi / mois

Saint André et Appelles, 33220

Every wednesday 8:30 pm


Havatselet Hasharon, 42984
Tzuke Yam 48
phone 09-8666688 (8:00 – 20:00)
every first and third monday at 20:00

Ramat Gan, 5245243
Silent meditation

phone +972-542239277
Herzel 29 Ramat Gan
The last Monday of every month at 19:00


Biassono, 20853
Mother Meera’s Devotees

Tel.+39 0399715048
via Mazzini 86 bis
Every first Friday 20 hrs

Assisi PG, 06081
Località Paradiso, 26,
Raffaella Ruschena

Tel. +39 3482653166
Venerdì dalle 18:00 alle 19:30

Castelnuovo Magra, 19033

Una volta al mese

Villasanta, 20852
Andrea Messa

Contatta per informazioni


Amsterdam, 1011HB

Tel. 0031(0)203205864
Sint Antoniesbreestraat 7-C
Every monday

Vaals, Niederlände, 6291 BS
Moeder Meera Meditatiegroep Zuid Limburg

Every 1st Monday of the month at 16.00-17.00 hrs.


Notodden, 3681

phone +4791711640
1-2 per month


Manila, 1001

phone 9179412388
Nr 6 Aciete St, North Nagtahan Extension, Sta. Mesa, Manila
Saturday 18:00 hrs


Lodz, 91-309
tel. 603 099 693
Sunday, 19:00


phone 790 730 450
Sunday 16 pm

Suwalki, 16-400
Mother Meera Meditation Group Suwalki

Tel. +48 509 665 506; ul.Lutostanskiego 6/12
every Sunday at 18:00


Singapore, 730514
Mother Meera Singapore

Block 514 Woodlands Drive 14, #12-117
First Monday of each month, 7 – 8 pm


Fehren/SO, 4232
Näff Beatrice

Tel 061 7019494
Vorderfeldstrasse 302,
4232 Fehren/SO
every second Tuesday, 19.00 hrs

Biberist, Bern/Solothurn
Kurt Schibler

Tel. 032 672 11 33
Wegweiser, Bernstrasse 6, CH-4562 Biberist
2 x pro Monat; Sonntags 19:00

Dübendorf, 8600
Andreas Lüthy

Tel. 079 422 31 27
1 x pro Monat

Frauenfeld, 8500

Tel +41 79 934 94 41
Treffen Erste Sonntag um 12.00

Geneva, 1228
Sandrine Pillon

150 rte de Saitn Julien
once a month

Grimisuat, 1971, Valais-VS
Sophie Cartier

phone:    41792025333
Once every 2 months, starting in October 2015, on the 2nd Friday of the month, at 6.30PM

Niederuzwil, 9244
Tel. 0041 799349441

letzte Sonntag, 12.00 Uhr

Salgesch, CH 3970
Mathier René

Tel 027 456 14 17;
Raspilleweg 30, Salgesch
Alle 2 Wochen

Staad, Bodensee
Giovanna Galetta

1 x pro Woche

Würenlos, 5436
Tel 079 2901111;
Jeannette Hug, Landstrasse 32, 5436 Würenlos;
first friday every month 19.30 Uhr


Maribor, 2000
Amma Meera

Prezihova 13
2x a month

DUPLJE, 4203
Alen Mihalinec

Tel. +38631220981


Madrid, 28039
Madre Meera – Meditación Madrid

Cada tercer Sábado, 10:45h

Vitoria-Gasteiz,ES 01015
Laura Lopera

1 x per week (19:00-20:00) on Sundays


Boone, NC, 28607
Boone Meditation
726 Sunrise Valley Dr

Phone 828-260-5418
First Saturday morning of each month at 10am

Bethesda, MD 20814
Samuel Ticha

Silent meditation

Denver,80219 – Boulder, 80303

third Sunday at 5pm; The location alternates between Denver and Boulder

Glenmont, 12077 – Albany

Tel 518 439 3149;
Anthony Reddy,16 Kimmey Dr Glenmont,NY 12077
3- 3:45 pm

Houston, 77005
Mother Meera meditation Houston

phone 713 203 6706
2225 Quenby
Fridays at 5 pm

Jamestown, N.Y.
Jai Ma Meditation group

saturday evenings 7 pm

Jamestown, Rhode Island, 2835
Mother Meera RI

every first Sunday, 17:00 hrs

Los Angeles, 91403
Marsha Mendizza

phone 818.427.5680
15133 Magnolia Blvd. Sherman Oaks, Ca 91403
Every 2nd Sunday in the morning

Minneapolis, 55126

Tel. 9192474729
every 2nd Sunday 1 hour or more

New York, Brooklyn
Charlotte Waters

1 x per month

Oahu,96734 – WA.
Oahu Mother Meera Meditation Group

the first Saturday of every odd month at 9 am

San Francisco, CA 94118
Mother Meera Meditation

Cultural Integration Fellowship 2650 Fulton St.
First Thursday of every Month at 7:00 pm

San Jose, CA
Mother Meera North California

Cell 408 504 1133
1 x per month

San Rafael CA, 94901

phone 4157178094
Once a week

Spokane 99203 – WA.
MM Group Spokane

Phone509 230 1479
Every friday 8 pm

Woodstock, GA 30188
Krishna Pecoit

Address Ember Yoga, 330 Chambers Street, Woodstock, GA 30188
ask for sessions by email


Caracas Colinas de Tamanaco
Alicia Torres

Every second Sunday 11am