Children's Meditation
The children’s meditation usually takes place on Saturdays and Sundays before the darshan at the Schaumburg when Mother Meera is in Germany.
Please see our calendar → for the exact times and dates. The children’s meditations will only take place if they are displayed in our booking system. Register your children via our booking system → Children can also take part in the beginning of normal darshan, or normal meditation, for about 10 minutes together with a parent.
You can make a reservation for your child through our Online Booking System
. Please make also a booking for yourself and your child - if it is capable to keep silent for about 20 minutes - at the following Darshan of the same day. The children’s meditation and the following Darshans are linked, as children and their parents will collectively participate there. If for any reason the following Darshan is already booked up, don’t hesitate to phone us, sometimes we can facilitate extra places. (+49 6436 91050, -51, +49 151 65456459) But first book the children’s meditation on your own.
Check in is always half an hour earlier to the start time. Please provide necessary snacks yourself. Please bring slippers for the children. The children’s meditation is only for children, not for parents. If you cannot leave your children alone, they cannot participate.
The program will include meditation, singing, yoga, writing stories, storytelling, art projects and much more! This is a precious and long awaited opportunity for your children to spend time with Mother. Mother Meera, as the Divine Mother has many aspects. In the past, only a few children have had the blessing of seeing the deeply loving, and very playful and joyful side of Mother around children. Spending time with Mother will bring your children growth, deep joy, security and a sense of the wonder.
The children’s mediation is organized by the Mother Meera Foundation, Balduinstein.
Experiences of Parents
Mother is a practical example to us all that one can live in this world and at the same time be one with God." - Adilakshmi
Mother is a person of pure light and love. She is the Mother of all. She loves all creatures unconditionally and sees all beings as Her own children. Through Mother’s love we can experience our own inner beauty and the beauty of others. Through Her love we can also experience peace within our hearts, which helps us to bring peace to our families and friends.
“Our children grew up spending time each year with Mother. I can tell you from experience, there is no greater gift you can give your children than time with Mother. It’s a powerful life long blessing.” - MB
“I have been having Darshan with Mother for several years. I feel that Her attention has had a huge effect on me. The growth I experienced from Her attention was so deep and profound, the thought of my children getting that same Divine attention is something too great to miss! A while back my youngest son was very lucky and got to meet Mother, when I asked him how he felt when he saw Mother, at first he didn’t know what to say, when I told him I felt very lucky that we got to see Her, he said “me too, I definitely felt very lucky to see her!” I asked both my children if they would like to go to Mother’s Children’s Program in Germany, my oldest son said " I would really like to go, that sounds very exciting! I definitely want to go!” Thank you Mother for offering this wonderful opportunity for all children!" - CC
Children’s Paintings

Painting of Mother by a child –– Letter to Mother by a child in German.