Mother Meera about Darshans & Covid
Darshans with Mother Meera will not start before the year 2022.
Message from Mother Meera, April 5, 2021
Dear Volunteers and Devotees, the last Darshans were held at Schaumburg on March 8, and in Munich on March 10, 2020.
Giving Darshans in cities and countries, and traveling.
All was so extraordinarily well arranged by volunteers everywhere. Everything was extremely well done: the long and short drivings from Darshan Hall to Darshan Hall, from hotel to hotel, home to home, and airport to airport; your devotion, happy smiles and joyful faces; your good services and your cooking good food for me; your singing. Now I am missing all of you.
This year 2021, I am not expecting to give Darshans in Schaumburg nor to travel. But I am there with you every day in the online Meditation “Wherever you are”.
Many people are asking about vaccinations. My opinion is better to take it, but the decision is up to you. People I know who have already received the vaccination are doing well.
Update June 2021: Mother Meera has now been fully vaccinated.
Livestream-Meditations, wherever you are
Darshans with Mother Meera, as we know them, at Schaumburg or on tours, will not start before the year 2022. What will happen then depends on the situation at that time.
Until then Mother conducts Livestream-Meditations every day at 7 pm CEST. It is possible to write to Mother via our contact-page .
Quotes by Mother relating to Covid-19:
What lesson do you think the Covid-19 pandemic is here to teach us?
MM: All people, rich and poor and all nationalities are affected. It is an invitation to all people and all countries, regardless of any individual characteristics or attributes, to work together.
Mother Meera on the current situation:
Don’t be afraid, keep calm and pray!
You can find more answers on the topic here:
Mother Meera has answered questions about the Corona Crisis and many other questions in a series of articles. These articles, all from 2020, contain about 125 answers by Mother that would fit on about 13 A4 pages.